Leanne's work is rooted in getting to know yourself beneath the surface and cultivating pure authenticity and acceptance of self. Loving all of you. 


On Retreat: This is the most potent group container Leanne holds. She shares her unique fuse of energetic abilities, physical therapy and mind-body knowledge, which allows her to meet retreaters deep and meaningfully.

This is the most powerful group experience that Leanne offers. She combines her unique blend of energetic abilities, physical therapy, and mind-body knowledge, which allows her to meet retreaters deep and meaningfully

Working with Leanne can be challenging, as it demands honesty, vulnerability, and accountability. If you're seeking a relaxing retreat, this 7-day experience may not be suitable for you.

More about Retreats

Group online: Leanne shares a beneficial resonance. Participates allow themselves to attune to the shared frequency. A beautiful process of closing down mind chatter, feeling into the body and allowing yourself to be in the present moment. Online is very different to retreat and 1:1 sessions. 

More about Group Online Sessions


We’re all energy. Every second, energy is being transferred within our bodies, from the synapses that spark in our brain to the electrical charges in our heart that keeps our blood flowing and so much more, our bodies are constantly generating energy. We can’t see it, or touch it or taste it, it's the life energy that flows through our bodies. Everyone's body.


Leanne's work is deeply rooted in the practice of self-love: a genuine embrace, appreciation, and acceptance of oneself. Embracing every aspect of who you are.


The motivation behind individuals feeling drawn to this work is to foster a sense of well-being. This journey can lead to increased understanding, clarity, awareness, self-connection, improved overall state of being, or whatever metamorphosis you seek.

This work has a remarkable way of highlighting the adjustments necessary for personal growth. If one is unwilling or chooses not to take action towards change, this inner work can intensify the current situation and feelings, rather than alleviate them.

It is important not to participate in sessions or retreats if you are not committed to making genuine changes in your life.

Being open to change and flowing with your growth is essential.

Any transformation that occurs must manifest on all levels of your being. For instance, a mental shift must also translate into an emotional and physical change to maintain alignment. While humans tend to recognize the need for change, integrating these changes into everyday life can be challenging. Awareness alone is not sufficient; action is imperative.

Following a retreat or session, you may receive insights, teachings, or realizations about your life. While these revelations will be personal and unique to each individual, here are some simple examples for context:

  • Stop consuming dairy products if they are causing digestive issues.
  • Explore and understand your tendencies toward people-pleasing.
  • Reconnect with a childhood hobby that once brought you joy.
  • Delve into setting personal boundaries.
  • Address and healing the root cause of addictions such as excessive scrolling, vaping, smoking, pornography, sugar intake, or substance use.
  • Evaluate relationships or career paths that no longer align with your true self.
  • The weekend environment you spend time in is toxic and contributes to the midweek anxiety you experience.
  • The cafe where you manage work emails is too noisy for your liking; a calmer setting would be more suitable.
  • Despite being raised as a social butterfly, you are actually introverted and prefer solitude.
  • There are numerous unresolved traumatic experiences in your life.
  • You exhibit controlling tendencies in your relationship.
  • Consuming coffee triggers anxiety for you.
  • You have been adopting personas or masks to fit in with friends, partners, or colleagues, but these masks do not reflect your true self.

For your inner work to be effective, your decisions and behaviors must align with the insights it brings forth. Embrace the changes that are indicated and avoid resisting the necessary transformations.

If you are committed to this inner work, it is going to point to necessary or possibly difficult changes you need to make. If you don't want to or are not willing to make a change, This work isn't for you.



  • Become aware of the contents of your subconscious- brings forward what you've been unaware of and shines a light on that you've suppressed and denied out of your awareness. 
  • Revealing what is in the way - where there is blocks or resistance 
  • Re-owning of self - become more authentic and live from your personal truth.
    •Seeing the pushed away aspects of self that caused vulnerability and reconnecting with those parts to show you who you really are. 
  • Stepping out and changing negative patterns and cycles. 
  • Getting into a reality outside of the mind.
  • with more awareness takes you out of denial and deflection. 
  • Rekindling the positive aspects and gifts that have been suppressed. 
  • Understanding the importance of creating your existence with intention and focus
  • Revealing the many ways we have not actually resolved things we think we've resolved. The reason why they are repeating. 
  • Living from a place of truth. Perceiving life clearer and seeing things as they really are. Creates empowerment.
  • This awareness enhances your mental, physical and emotional wellbeing. It is painful and exhausting to not be unaware. It is draining to be pushing and suppressing things away. Suppression causes fatigue and disease. As you liberate the suppressed energy, the energy of consciousness can flow through all the different aspects of you. 


During a session

In a session, the healing experiences can differ greatly from one individual to another, with no singular correct way to undergo the healing journey. Each person heals uniquely and at their own rhythm.

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